

Floaters   Floaters  occur when the vitreous, slowly shrinks. Flashes will almost always go away completely. It usually takes about a month, but sometimes it can take up to six months.  Floaters  will gradually get smaller and less noticeable as the weeks and months go by, but usually they never disappear completely. They may look to you like black or gray specks, strings, or cobwebs that drift about when you move your eyes and appear to dart away when you try to look at them directly. Symptoms   Spots that are most noticeable when you look at a plain bright background, such as a blue sky or a white wall Small shapes or strings that eventually settle down and drift out of the line of vision. When to see a doctor? Many more eye floaters than usual A sudden onset of new floaters Flashes of light in the same eye as the floaters Darkness on any side or sides of your vision (peripheral vision loss) Treatment M ost eye floaters don't require treatment. 


While many governments across the world are now easing up with the restrictions,it has become essential that you not only use hand sanitizers and face masks on a more frequent basis but also  be careful about your eyes   because they are exposed while you are outside. Coronavirus can spread through the eyes  A person suffering from COVID-19 will show symptoms like fever, shortness of breath, and cough for over 2-15 days. When a person infected by coronavirus coughs or sneezes, the virus particles from his/her mouth can reach the face, mouth, or eyes of the person standing nearby. The person near the sick person can most likely inhale these droplets through nose and mouth. The droplets can get inside that person through eyes as well. Hence, it is essential to take care of your eyes as well in the times of the coronavirus pandemic. Here are some eye care tips for avoiding coronavirus to get into you from eyes Avoid touching your eyes By now, we all are well aware of th...


Eye allergy and tips  Please avoid eye rubbing and touching your eyes If it is too red and uncontrollable,kindly consult your eye doctor. If you feel an urge to itch or rub your eye, or even to adjust your glasses, use a tissue instead of your fingers.   Dry eyes can lead to more rubbing, so lubricating drops can be used.   If you must touch your eyes for any reason—even to administer eye medicine—wash your hands first with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  


COMPUTER VISION SYNDROME To protect your eyes: Make sure your glasses or contacts prescription is up to date and good for looking at a computer screen. If your eye strain won’t go away, talk to your doctor about computer glasses. Move the screen so your eyes are level with the top of the monitor. That lets you look slightly down at the screen. Choose a comfortable, supportive chair. Position it so that your feet are flat on the floor. If your eyes are dry, blink more,minimum 12 to 13 times in a minute. Rest your eyes every 20 minutes. Look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Get up at least every 2 hours and take a 15-minute break. Always put the blue filter on. Keep yourself hydrated,minimum 2 to 3 litres a day For more details visit our website


            DOES YOGA HELP TO REDUCE EYE POWER   1)     DOES YOGA REDUCE EYE POWER??      NO YOGA DOESN’T REDUCE EYE POWER     2)  THEN ARE THERE ANY EXERCISES WHICH HELP TO REDUCE EYE POWER?    NO! EYE POWER CANNOT BE REDUCED BY EYE EXCERCISES      BUT THERE ARE FEW EXERCISES THAT CAN HELP TO REDUCE EYE STRAIN      Blink More     Blinking is very important for our eyes as it lubricates them and keeps them from getting dry. The normal rate of blinking around 20 times per minute gets dropped to blinking 8 times per minute, which can lead to dryness of the eye.      Wash your Eyes with Cold Water Cold water has a very soothing effect on our eyes which helps in relaxing them. By washing your eyes with cold water every morning and night, you can ensure ...

Computer Vision Syndrome & Digital Eye Strain

Growing up, your parents probably told you (over and over and over again) not to sit too close to the TV… turns out that they weren’t very far off-base with their parental guidance. It was just assumed, back then, that whatever was coming out of screens wasn’t necessarily good for little eyeballs. Now that we’re adults (thanks to the access we have to the devices we all carry in our pockets every day) digital screens are just inches away from our faces- and our eyes are not loving it. Even though the human body does amazing things every day, and is highly adaptable- our eyes were never meant to stare at screens for long periods of time, or endure this much exposure to artificial light. With the average American spending most of their waking hours looking at some sort of digital screen- we’re bound to start seeing some issues where our vision is concerned. The discomfort that so many people experience after staring at their computer screen is most likely due to something...