While many governments across the world are now easing up with the restrictions,it has become essential that you not only use hand sanitizers and face masks on a more frequent basis but also be careful about your eyes because they are exposed while you are outside. Coronavirus can spread through the eyes A person suffering from COVID-19 will show symptoms like fever, shortness of breath, and cough for over 2-15 days. When a person infected by coronavirus coughs or sneezes, the virus particles from his/her mouth can reach the face, mouth, or eyes of the person standing nearby. The person near the sick person can most likely inhale these droplets through nose and mouth. The droplets can get inside that person through eyes as well. Hence, it is essential to take care of your eyes as well in the times of the coronavirus pandemic. Here are some eye care tips for avoiding coronavirus to get into you from eyes Avoid touching your eyes By now, we all are well aware of th...