Computer Vision Syndrome & Digital Eye Strain
Growing up, your parents probably told you (over and over and over again) not to sit too close to the TV… turns out that they weren’t very far off-base with their parental guidance. It was just assumed, back then, that whatever was coming out of screens wasn’t necessarily good for little eyeballs. Now that we’re adults (thanks to the access we have to the devices we all carry in our pockets every day) digital screens are just inches away from our faces- and our eyes are not loving it. Even though the human body does amazing things every day, and is highly adaptable- our eyes were never meant to stare at screens for long periods of time, or endure this much exposure to artificial light. With the average American spending most of their waking hours looking at some sort of digital screen- we’re bound to start seeing some issues where our vision is concerned. The discomfort that so many people experience after staring at their computer screen is most likely due to something...